What Are the Most Common Workplace Injuries in Illinois?

workers' compWhile some environments are conducive to accidents (such as construction sites and warehouses), even an office can be risky for employees. The Illinois workers’ comp program is designed to aid injured workers with monetary assistance if they fall ill or are injured because of their jobs.

Common Workplace Injuries in Illinois

Some of the most common workplace injuries in Illinois that workers can get compensation for include the following:

Slip and Fall Injuries

Common slip and fall injuries in outdoor and indoor workspaces include dislocated bones, concussions, traumatic brain injuries, sprains, and fractures.

Repetitive Stress Injuries

Repetitive stress injuries are common in assembly lines where workers have to repeat the same motions for hours. One of the main ones is called carpal tunnel syndrome, but similar injuries can also cause long-term complications.

Car Accidents

Workers who operate vehicles as part of their job duties (such as delivery and bus drivers) can also be compensated for injuries they sustain from a traffic accident. This is particularly common in crowded areas in the state.


Lacerations can take time to heal and often result in long-term conditions that can force you to take time off work. These are common in the restaurant, construction, and manufacturing industries. Depending on the location of the injury, you may be out of commission for a while as you heal.

What You Should Do When You Get Injured At Work

If you get injured during your work duties, the worst thing you can do is continue working. After getting medical treatment, the first thing you should do is notify your supervisor. This should be done within three days of the incident and ensure the acting physician knows the injury is work-related. Retain all of the documents you get related to your medical bills as evidence, and so you can be compensated for them later.

Also, make sure that your employer submits a report to the Illinois Worker’s Compensation Commission. It should contain your personal data, information about the accident, what you were doing during that time, and how it occurred. If your employer refuses to cooperate, drags his feet, or denies compensation, get in touch with a workers’ comp lawyer in Antioch straight away. In this case, you have the right to sue them.

Contact Robert Edens When You’ve Been Injured On The Job

Every year, thousands of people are denied worker’s compensation by greedy and uncooperative employers. If you are one of those victims, you need a dedicated workers’ comp lawyer in Antioch on your side who can fight for your rights. This is where the Law Office of Robert T. Edens can prove invaluable.

We have more than two decades worth of experience in fighting for the rights of injured workers and have recovered millions of dollars in compensation as part of our efforts. Get in touch with us for a free consultation today.

The longer you wait to take action, the worse it will be for you. Robert Edens can ensure you get the compensation you deserve for the pain and suffering you are going through.

Is There A Limit To How Much Workers’ Compensation I Receive?

workers' compensationAs an employee in Illinois, you can get compensated for any injuries you sustain at work via workers’ compensation. However, there are limits to how much you receive, and the amount depends on several factors.

Limits of Liability

Commercial liability insurance policies have ‘limits of liability or a cap on the amount claimants can get. However, worker’s compensation is structured differently. It is the main reason why most employers purchase policies that do not offer the coverage they thought they did.

Workers’ Compensation Part A

Part A workers’ compensation covers employees under state laws and offers medical aid, death, rehab, and disability benefits for workers killed or seriously injured on the job. The insurance premiums are based on the employee’s wages and the nature of their work duties. The benefits are awarded on a no-fault basis, and the payments are made on predetermined schedules for definitive injuries.

Workers’ Compensation Part B

Part B workers’ compensation also offers the coverage mentioned above, but it only does if their condition results from their employer’s negligence. This is why it is also called employer’s liability coverage.

So we can say that while Part A fulfills state requirements, Part B covers additional damages beyond the former. These payments are based on injury type and limits. For example, if an employee is injured because of a workplace accident, they can get $100,000 max. If they are injured because of a disease caused by their work, they can get up to $500,000. The latter is often broken down into $100,000 per employee per injury.

Part B is rarely used, but it can benefit an employer’s company in some cases, especially if they are sued by survivors or family members of a deceased employee. They can also avail of Part B if they owe more in damages than Part A can cover. All companies in Illinois have to carry Part A workers’ compensation coverage and ensure all claims are paid on time without taking liabilities into account.

Workers’ compensation protects both employers and employees. It protects the latter by ensuring they do not go in the red if an injured employee or family sues them for damages.

How Long Can Employees Receive Workers’ Compensation?

The answer can differ from one state to the other. It can be anywhere from three to seven years. However, there is usually a limit on the length of permanent disability benefits. Most states terminate weekly ones when a claimant turns 65 years old.

In Illinois, wage differential benefits stop after five years or when you turn 67, whichever comes first. The state also has a comprehensive schedule that sets the maximum number of weeks you can get benefits per the body part you injured. If a body part is injured and not on the schedule, you can get a non-scheduled award that will amount to 60% of your average weekly wages. However, the total amount will depend on the severity of your injury.


Contact Robert Edens for Workers’ Compensation Claim Disputes Today

Thousands of people in Illinois and the nation are denied the workers’ compensation that they deserve. If your employer is doing the same to you, Cook County workers’ compensation lawyer Robert Edens can help. Contact the Law Office of Robert T. Edens for a free consultation with him.

Illinois Worker’s Comp: What Are My Rights?

According toworkers comp Illinois law, all employers have to provide their employees with worker’s compensation insurance. It is a system of benefits that comes into effect from the moment a worker is hired. It covers medical costs of job-based injuries and diseases that may otherwise result in significant medical bills employees may not be able to pay.

Injuries That Are Covered and Not Covered by Worker’s Compensation

Your workers’ comp lawyer in Antioch will tell you that worker’s compensation will cover your bills for the following job-related injuries:

  • Stroke that resulted from a job.
  • Injuries caused by repetitive usage of certain body parts for a job-related task.
  • Heart attack caused by work.
  • Pre-existing conditions that worsened because of work.

The insurance does not cover certain types of injuries. These include injuries sustained in recreational activities such as baseball during company picnics and accidents during drug or alcohol rehab programs.

What Happens When You File a Worker’s Compensation Claim

When you file a worker’s compensation claim, your injury is classified as either a temporary total disability (TTD) or a temporary partial disability (TPD), or a permanent disability (PD). The benefits you qualify for will depend on the category your injuries belong in.

Temporary Total Disability (TTD) vs. Temporary Partial Disability (TPD)?

If your work-related injury temporarily or completely incapacitates you, your injury will be classified as a temporary total disability (TTD). While your injuries may prevent you from performing your work duties, you will be expected to make a full recovery and return to work.

A temporary partial injury (TPD) injury is seen as an on-the-job injury that affects your work abilities but does not prevent you from working completely. TTD worker compensation benefits are meant to cover the wages you may lose as you heal and recover in hospital or at home.

Permanent Disability (PD) vs. Partial Permanent Disability (PPD)

A permanent disability (PD) is classified as an injury that hinders your ability to do your job. However, if your injury is a partial permanent disability (PPD), you can still work with limited capacity.

The payments you are entitled to will be based on the severity of the injuries mentioned above. This means that each worker’s compensation case is as unique as the injuries that the benefits cover. An experienced worker’s comp lawyer in Antioch can help you understand your claim and ensure you get the benefits you are entitled to.

Employer Responsibilities for Worker’s Compensation

As per the law, all employers in Illinois have to ensure their employees are aware of these rights and benefits. They also have to put up a notice about the worker’s compensation insurance in an accessible area where their workers can go through it.

The list should include the following:

  • The name of the insurance provider.
  • Policy number.
  • Contact information.

All workplace accidents that make a worker miss more than three days of work should be reported, and incidents that cause work-related deaths should be reported within two days at most. The Illinois Worker’s Compensation Commission (IWCC) will not file a claim till the employer reports the accident.

Get The Compensation You Deserve By Hiring An Illinois Worker’s Comp Lawyer Today

If your employer refuses to compensate you for a workplace injury claim, there is no time to waste. Get in touch with an experienced worker’s comp lawyer in Antioch at The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C. for a free consultation. We can ensure you get the maximum compensation you deserve, if not more. We also have offices in Chicago, Waukegan, Libertyville, and Woodstock, IL.

What is a Wage Differential In Workers’ Compensation?

wage differentialMost Illinois workers are aware of essential Workers’ Compensation benefits such as covered medical treatment disability payments. However, there is one other benefit that is essential for their financial security. It’s called ‘wage differential,’ and it can ensure you can go a long way in reducing your stress if you suffer from serious workplace injuries.

What is a Wage Differential?

If your workplace injury incapacitates you to the point that you have to quit your job, you may be eligible for a wage differential settlement.


Here is how it works. Whether your injuries prevent you from working permanently or temporarily, your employer may offer to give you ‘light duty’ that can accommodate your physical limitations.


If the new position hurts your salary, you are eligible for a solution that pays you part of the difference. It is called wage differential benefits, and it can only be applied if you qualify for Workers’ Compensation.


If you are eligible, you are entitled to 2/3 of the difference between your old wages and your light-duty salary as per wage differential laws. So not only will you get a regular paycheck for your new position, but you will also get a workers’ compensation check for 2/3rds of the difference between the wages.


To qualify for a wage differential settlement, you have to prove that you cannot pursue your original and customary line of employment. An experienced Workers’ Compensation lawyer in Antioch can help you establish this and calculate the amount you can receive. They can also help you determine if you are eligible for this award or not.


If your light-duty job puts your recovery and health at risk, you are a good candidate for temporary total disability (TTD) payments. You can also claim this benefit if your employer is unable to accommodate your limitations at work.

Denied Wage Differential Payments? Here is What You Should Do

The Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act describes how and when an injured employee is eligible for wage differential payments. However, this doesn’t mean that employers and insurance companies will comply. In some cases, they may try to withhold benefits by saying you are ineligible.


Contact us to discuss your legal options if you or someone you know qualifies for wage differential payments, but cannot get them because of uncooperative employers/insurance companies. As a dedicated and skilled Workers’ Compensation lawyer in Antioch, Robert Edens can develop a strategy that can ensure you get the compensation you deserve. His team of lawyers has recovered millions of dollars in claims for their clients. Ensuring you can get a wage differential settlement is barely a challenge for them.

Personal Injury Attorney

You can get in touch with him and his team of workers’ compensation lawyers at the Law Offices of Robert T. Edens in Antioch, Waukegan, Libertyville, Woodstock, and Chicago, IL. At this point, the worst thing you can do is rely on advice from your employer or insurance company. They may try to sabotage your claim. We can ensure they don’t get away with it. Get in touch with us for a consultation today!

What Can be Done if I’m Not Getting Paid My Workers’ Comp?

workers compIf you are not getting paid in full or at all for the hours you put in, you can sue your employer with the help of a skilled Waukegan workers’ compensation lawyer. Your rights as an employee are protected under the Wage Payment and Collection Act.

What is the Wage Payment and Collection Act?

The Wage Payment and Collection Act governs timely wage payments to employees in Illinois and the deductions employers can make from paychecks. Here are a few facts you should know about the Act:

  • Private employers are covered, but state and federal employers are exempt from the Act.
  • Individuals and independent contractors who fulfill the legal definition of independent contractors cannot make any claims under the Act. If an employer classifies an employee as an independent contractor, that does not exempt him/her from the Act. An inquiry can determine whether the employee is an independent contractor or not.
  • The Act only covers work that is done in Illinois. For instance, an employee who lives in the state but travels across the U.S. for work is typically not covered. A Waukegan workers’ compensation lawyer can help you determine if you are covered and the wages you can recover.

What You Can Do If Your Wages Are Withheld

Here are some things you can do if you think your wages have been withheld unfairly by your employer:

Speak With Your Employer First

Ask your employer about owed wages first. Perhaps HR made an error on your paycheck or overlooked you by mistake. If your employer deliberately holds back the money he/she owes you as retaliation against you, you have the right to sue. Make sure you note down everything you discuss with them. A Waukegan workers’ compensation lawyer can use it as proof if you file a complaint.

Contact the Illinois Department of Labor

If you think your wages are being held back illegally, file a complaint with the Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL). Just make sure you file it a year from when you last worked with the employer or a year from when the wages are owed. The good news is that the process is free. At this point, you don’t need a Waukegan workers’ compensation lawyer.


To file a claim with IDOL, fill out the online form. You will have to create an Illinois Public ID first. It will help you use official state websites for critical information regarding your case.


When you file your complaint, make sure you include any evidence showing you are owed wages. This includes copies of time cards and paychecks that show that you have not been paid or were paid less than what you were owed as per your hourly salary.


Don’t worry if you don’t have those documents. Since it is your employer’s responsibility to maintain pay and time records, you can get them from HR. Plus, also make sure to update IDOL post complaint if you move or change your phone number.


Keep in mind that there is a time limit when it comes to filing complaints with IDOL. The Department can only investigate the three years before the date that you file your complaint. It will impact the amount you recover. For example, if you file your complaint after ten years of getting little to no wages from your employer, you can only recover wages from the last three years and onwards.


Contact Robert T. Edens for a Consultation

If your employer refuses to cooperate, hiring a Waukegan workers’ compensation lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve. Whether you live in Chicago, Waukegan, Libertyville, Woodstock, or Antioch, contact the Law Offices of Robert T. Edens for a consultation today. Robert has been fighting for workers’ rights for over two decades and can ensure you can recover your lost wages.

Do I Have To Go To The Doctor My Employer Tells Me To?

Illinois workers' compensationIn Illinois, injured workers can receive workers’ compensation benefits as permitted by law and they also have the right to choose their own medical treatment. If they are not allowed to do so, they have every right to hire a worker’s comp lawyer in Waukegan and sue their employer or insurance company.

Medical Rights For Injured Workers

According to the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act, employers have to provide employees with coverage for their work-related injuries. The Act also specifies employees have the right to choose their own doctor for their medical treatments.

That way, they can rest easy knowing that they can choose one they are comfortable with and has their best interests at heart. In contrast, a doctor who has an ongoing relationship with an employer or insurance agency can lead to a conflict of interest.

The Two-Doctor Rule

Unfortunately, a few employers do try to force injured employees to receive medical care at ‘company clinics’ to reduce the compensation they need to pay. However, as per Illinois law, injured workers have the right to select two doctors for their care. This is called the Two Doctor Rule.

Here is an example to elucidate this further. Say you injured your back at work trying to lift a heavy load at work. You visit a family doctor who prescribed physical therapy as part of your treatment. When the treatment doesn’t work as well as thought, you are sent to an orthopedic surgeon who orders an MRI and from the tests discovers you slipped a disc.

He then sends you to a pain management specialist, but when that doesn’t work to alleviate your pain, you are recommended surgery. However, before that, you are sent to a cardiologist for clearance and also have to hire an anesthesiologist for the surgery.

According to the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act, all of these physicians will be considered a single physician choice. That’s because they were recommended by the one you chose.

Employer Assigned Physicians

In some cases, employers may choose a doctor for employees who suffer from work-related injuries. However, they have to ensure that the initial medical exam is conducted at a reasonable location and at a time that is convenient for the employee.

Plus, the employer also has to pay all of the expenses pertaining to the visit. This includes the cost of the exam, the consultation, lost wages along with the meals and travel expenses of the employee. Additionally, the doctor he chooses also has to provide a copy of the exam report to them. The employee can go to the initial exam, but may change doctors for further medical treatments.

Contact Our Waukegan Workers’ Comp Lawyer

If you have been injured at work and your employer or the insurance agency refuses to compensate you, get in touch with our workers’ comp lawyer in Waukegan at the Law Offices of Robert T. Edens today. We offer aggressive representation for worker compensation claim violations. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at our offices in Chicago, Waukegan, Libertyville, Woodstock, and Antioch, IL.

How To Avoid Common Work-Related Injuries

workers compensation lawyer in AntiochWorkplace accidents are all too common and can cause major issues, especially for employees. Injured team members can spend months recuperating and lose out on precious job opportunities. While workplace compensation can help them during this difficult time, employers can do their part by reducing common work-related injuries using the tips mentioned below:

1. Ensure Workspaces Are Clean

A tidy workplace is an injury-free workplace. A cluttered and unclean area is prone to dangerous hazards. Loose wires can make people trip, stacked boxes can fall on unsuspecting individuals and faulty wiring can lead to a fire that can spread fast in clutter.

Whether the workplace is a manufacturing warehouse or an office cubicle, a clean and organized environment can reduce the chances of accidents tenfold.

2. Implement A Workplace Injury Prevention Program

The best way to ensure that employees don’t get injured in the workplace is via a proper workplace prevention program. The program can train employees to be aware of hazards so that they can prevent accidents from happening in the first place.

A typical workplace injury prevention program should contain the following:

  • Worker participation.
  • Management leadership.
  • Hazard identification and evaluation.
  • Education and training.
  • Hazard prevention and control.
  • Training and education.

If properly implemented and maintained, the program will encourage employees to report hazards and respond to them proactively if need be. It will also reduce workers’ compensation claims.

3. Prevent Workplace Violence

Employees who cannot control their temper can get into fights in the workplace, which can lead to serious injuries. These can be prevented if said employees are screened out during the hiring process. However, some may slip through the cracks and make the workplace hazardous for others.

Employers can still prevent injuries by educating employees on warning signs that an individual may become violent:

  • An emotional reaction to setbacks and criticism.
  • A serious dip in job performance.
  • Inability to resolve conflicts.
  • Unreasonable demands.
  • Verbal threats and/or inappropriate comments.
  • Company policy violations.
  • Bullying or intimidating behavior.

Once a violent employee is identified, employers should take steps to help them and protect the team from them. Start by documenting their interaction with employees and seek advice from Human Resources for the best steps moving forward.

What To Do If An Employer Delays Or Refuses Compensation

Unfortunately, while the aforementioned tips on how to avoid common work related injuries can work, some accidents are unavoidable. For those circumstances, employees should have adequate workers’ compensation coverage so that they don’t have to worry about expenses such as medical bills. However, if injured employees are denied worker’s compensation, they have the right to sue.

If you are in this predicament, get in touch with the Law Offices of Robert Edens today. Robert ‘Bob’ Edens and his staff have been fighting for the rights of workers who got injured because of someone else’s negligence for years. We offer our services in Chicago, Waukegan, Libertyville, Woodstock, and Antioch, IL. Get in touch with us for a free consultation today!

Do I Need An Attorney To File A Workers’ Compensation Claim?

workers' compensation lawyer in AntiochAccidents are a common occurrence in the workplace. You can fall off a ladder and break your arm, trip over wires and sprain your ankle or get carpal tunnel after years of typing. A workers’ compensation lawyer in Antioch can ensure you get the compensation you deserve if your employer refuses to give it. This includes the money you lose in terms of lost wages and medical bills.

Why You Should Hire A Workers’ Compensation Lawyer In Antioch

This is important because while recovering disability and medical benefits post a workplace accident should be a straightforward process, it rarely is. While the reason for hiring a workers’ compensation lawyer in Antioch is to maximize your financial recovery, he/she can also help you overcome any obstacles you may encounter. These include the following:

Your Employer Refuses To Believe/Denies The Accident Happened

This can happen if you suffered a slight injury at work and did not report it and it got worse later. The employer or insurance carrier may deny that the original injury happened at work. This can also happen if long-term effects of exposure to a toxic substance at work result in disease.

Your Employer Delays The Claim

Once you report an injury at work, the company has to provide you the proper paperwork immediately, so that you can record your claim. They should also report it to the compensation board and file a claim with the insurance carrier. If your employer is dragging his/her feet in a bid to miss the deadline or even because of sheer laziness, a lawyer can step in and expedite the process.

You Suffered Permanent Disabilities That Compromise Your Work Performance

Insurance companies are more likely to contest these claims since they tend to be the most expensive. A worker’s compensation lawyer in Antioch will ensure you get the amount you deserve if not more.

The Insurance Company Refuses To Pay For a Treatment Your Doctor Recommended

If your injuries require you to get rehabilitation, those visits may be deemed unnecessary by the insurance company which is wrong. Your lawyer can ensure they don’t get away with it and those treatments are adequately covered.

Your Employer Retaliates Against You For Filing a Claim

If your employer fires or demotes you or reduces your hours/pay because you filed a workers’ compensation claim, a lawyer can ensure your legal rights are protected. You can even claim damages resulting from the discriminatory actions.

Your Injuries Were The Result Of Someone Else’s Actions Or Misconduct

The worker’s compensation system was designed to avoid civil lawsuits in case of workplace injuries. But you can also sue outside it in certain circumstances. For example, if say a negligent driver who does not work for the company hit your car while you were driving to work or your employer did, an experienced lawyer can explain how the law applies to these situations.

Personal Injury Attorney

If you are in search of an experienced worker’s compensation attorney, get in touch with us at the Law Offices of Robert T. Edens today. We have been fighting for the rights of workers like you for more than two decades. Get in touch with us for a consultation today.

Workers’ Comp Adjuster Tricks To Be Aware Of

workers compWorkers’ compensation serves as a safety net for employees faced with a work-related injury. It covers their medical bills and rehabilitation costs, and other damages such as lost wages resulting from the injury. They also provide death benefits to dependents of a worker who is killed in a work-related accident. In 2018 alone, around $62.9 billion were paid in workers’ compensation benefits, according to the Insurance Information Institute.

However, receiving the coverage you deserve in workers’ compensation is more difficult than most employees think. You don’t know how low insurance providers can go to minimize the compensation they need to pay out. You might well be under 24/7 surveillance in an attempt to spot loopholes and inconsistencies in your case. Here are some workers’ comp adjuster tricks to look out for when you file your claim:

Using Private Investigators

Regardless of whether a claim is contested or uncontested, insurance companies often hire private investigators to keep an eye on you. The purpose is to collect evidence against you that shows that you violated your doctor’s restrictions, such as not leaving your home or lift heavy objects. For example, if you attempt to leave your home when you’ve been told not to, you will most certainly be videotaped doing so.

Recording Your Statements to be Used Against You

Before you receive medical treatment or get paid for the damages, your insurance company will do its best to obtain a recorded statement from you. Their request may sound innocent but their aim is to use your comments against you. Insurance agents know that the victim of the accident will be under severe stress right after the event took place and may give out information that can be used against their case.

Therefore, we recommend hiring a workers’ compensation lawyer as soon as possible, especially before you give out any information to insurance providers. More importantly, understand that you are not legally bound to give a recorded statement.

Voluntarily Paying You Benefits

When insurance providers realize your case is strong, they voluntarily make compensatory payments but fail to inform you about your obligations so that you lose your benefits at some point in the future. What they hide from you is that if you don’t obtain an award order and file a claim for benefits form, you will no longer be entitled to the payments you deserve when the statute of limitations runs out after a year from the day of the workplace accident.

Seeking a Blank Medical Authorization from You

When you file your workers’ compensation claim, your insurance provider may proceed to a fishing expedition, looking for any pre-existing medical conditions that might justify a low payment or dispute. Don’t fall for the trap of giving them a blank medical authorization. They’ll use this authority to find medical conditions that may undermine your case.

Now that you’re aware of some common insurance adjuster tricks, you should be in a much better position to dodge them as they come your way. Don’t become complacent here; hire Robert Edens, a reliable workers’ compensation lawyer in Grayslake, who will offer expert advice from the beginning till the end.

What Not to Do While on Workers’ Compensation

workers compensationAlthough working conditions have improved over the years, workplace injury remains an ongoing problem for workers. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, around 5,333 American employees lost their lives due to a work-related injury in 2019 alone. Even if an injury doesn’t prove fatal, it can lead to injuries that may lead to lost wages and other damages.

While Workers’ compensation is the only way to recover the loss, certain mistakes on your part can destroy your case, depriving you of the compensation you deserve. Here’s what not to do while on workers’ compensation.

Delayed Reporting of Your Work-Related Injury

This is one of the most ridiculous, yet common mistakes employees make while on workers’ comp. When you don’t immediately report the work incident and the associated injury, the insurer for your workers’ compensation assumes that you faced no major injuries. While you have 45 days to report your injury in writing to your employer, report the damages the day you face them. And if you missed the deadline of 45 days, you won’t receive any compensation at all.

Seeking Workers’ Compensation Benefits After Being Terminated or Laid Off

Some employers will fire or lay off workers who recently faced a workplace injury but haven’t yet reported the issue. This way, they get away with the liability or may not have to pay as much in compensation as otherwise. The problem is that insurance companies assume that workers’ compensation claims filed by employees after being terminated or laid off are motivated by anger or revenge against the former employers, and are thus false. Such claims are always viewed with suspicion and deeply scrutinized.

Ideally, you should take a medical exam within 24 hours of facing a workplace injury. Otherwise, you may not be able to prove that your injury was a direct result of the work accident.

Not Being Honest About Your Injuries

Many victims of a workplace injury will let their emotions take over and will exaggerate while reporting the accident and the injuries. Keep in mind that if your description of how you sustained the injury, how severe it is, and other details are not consistent with the results of your medical exam, your workers’ comp claim may be denied. Thus, when speaking to your employer or healthcare provider, stay honest about what exactly happened.

Not Choosing Your Own Doctor

Many corporate giants have a retainer or doctor on staff. Don’t assume that you can’t choose your own doctor and will have to wait for the company doctor for treatment. This further delays the reporting of the injuries, which is exactly what these companies want. Be informed that as an injured employee, you have full command over who you want to consult and seek medical care from. Instead of waiting for the company doctor to treat you, make an appointment with your own family doctor and explain the situation.

Personal Injury Attorney

Workers’ Compensation Lawyer In Antioch

While avoiding these above-discussed mistakes should help you with your workers’ comp claim, securing full coverage from your insurance agent can still be a big challenge. Consult Robert Edens, an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer in Antioch, who is dedicated to securing you the reimbursements you deserve.