Senior citizens are easy targets to be victimized and abused, our nursing home negligence lawyers will get them the compensation they deserve. They are not very strong, may have some deterioration in thinking, and because they are reliant on other people they are often afraid to report it for fear of retaliation.
Sadly, elder abuse has been steadily increasing over the years, and currently, 1 in 14 vulnerable adults are physically, emotionally, or sexually abused, financially exploited, neglected, and even abandoned. However, elder abuse is often hidden because surveillance is greatly limited. It is estimated that as much as 84% of nursing home abuse is not reported.
While one sign does not necessarily indicate abuse, some tell-tale signs that there could be a problem are:
Withdrawal from normal activities, a sudden change in alertness, and unusual depression may be indicators of emotional abuse.
Since the suffering is often in silence, it is important to be alert to any and all of the above indicators. If you notice changes in personality or behavior, you should start to question what is going on.
If your loved one has suffered neglect, abuse, or mistreatment in some fashion call Bob at Robert Edens Law Office for a free, honest, no-obligation, consultation.
Nursing Home and Elder Abuse Questions