Are Your Loved Ones A Victim Of Nursing Home Neglect And Abuse?

Nursing Home Negligence AttorneyElders are usually sent to live in nursing homes if they are too old to live alone, can no longer take care of themselves, there is no one available to take care of them or if their families can’t afford to hire a private nurse to look after them. However, is it safe to send your parents or grandparents to live in nursing homes?

Nursing home abuse and neglect are not uncommon despite the strict measures being taken by the government, activists and families of the patients. We don’t mean that every nursing home is unsafe, careless and abusive, however, you need to monitor the behavior and signs of possible abuse and neglect, just in case.

Who are easy targets for nursing home abuse and neglect?

While there is no particular profile as to what kind of people might be the target of nursing home abuse or neglect, there are some elders who are much easier targets than others, for example:

  • People with dementia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s or other memory disorders and diseases
  • Elders who don’t have regular visitors or living relatives

What are the signs of nursing home neglect?

You can’t hire a nursing home neglect lawyer or medical malpractice lawyer just on a hunch. You need to identify the signs of nursing home neglect abuse and then take action accordingly.

  • Unusual bleeding, bruising, abrasions and burns
  • Open or unattended wounds, cuts and bed sores
  • Frequent infections
  • Poor hygiene, soiled clothes, smells and stained bedding
  • The disappearance of the patient’s personal items
  • Unusual financial transactions and withdrawals

When can nursing home neglect be considered medical malpractice?

Nursing house neglect may often times include medical malpractice as well; and if you plan to sue the nursing home for their careless behavior and negligence then you must know the true extent of the issue, which might also include the medical malpractice.

Errors in giving patients the right prescription drug (incorrect quantity, timing, etc.), having a poorly trained staff to deal with medical emergencies, misusing medical restraints, unsanitary conditions, dirty equipment, patients suffering from malnutrition, not monitoring the patients’ health, failing to report their complaints and medical issues to a doctor, all fall under the category of medical malpractice.

Relatives, friends and loved ones of anyone admitted to a nursing home needs to look out for these signs of neglect and abuse. If any of these signs are present then you immediately need to hire a nursing home negligence lawyer or medical malpractice lawyer.

For more information or to schedule a free consultation, contact The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C. today at 847.395.2200 to speak with an experienced attorney on this topic.

Is the Nursing Home Neglecting Your Loved One? – The Red Flags to Watch for

Nursing Home Abuse LawyerAround 15,600 nursing homes operate in the US. Nearly, 1.4 million Americans live in these nursing homes. Nursing home neglect is one of the most common types of elder abuse. It includes more than neglecting and abandoning the elder. However, it is hard to explain whether your loved is under reliable caretaker surveillance or not. The prominent red flags can reveal the secret, even if your loved one is afraid to tell them to you.

Sudden Changes in Communication

In most of the nursing homes, surveillance cameras are used to keep a check on the admitted people. These cameras might also be installed in the meeting rooms, making your loved ones afraid to tell you about the neglect. However, sudden changes in the way they communicate with you, could be a red flag. These changes include sudden softness or harshness in their communication. The change may confuse you or you may think that your loved ones are behaving this way because they miss you.

What You Can Do?

However, this scenario should not be avoided. Arrange a separate meeting with your loved one and inquire about the treatment they receive in the nursing home. Take further action if the nursing home neglect is confirmed.

Poor Personal Hygiene

Hygiene and physical appearance of your loved ones is the key sign of nursing home neglect. Dirty clothes, poor sanitary conditions, rashes and itches on the body, messed hair, and other such signs represent poor personal hygiene. The nursing home may deceive you by preparing the loved one before your arrival.

What You Can Do?

If you suspect poor personal hygiene then pay a surprise visit to your loved one. If you confirm poor personal hygiene then you can sue the nursing home and shift your loved one to a reliable nursing home.

Physical Inabilities Due to Lack of Nutrition

Around 20% of the nursing homes have some kind of poor nutrition services. Malnutrition causes health problems like digestive disorders. The long-term effect of malnutrition is very serious. It reduces the natural immunity of the person and makes them vulnerable to millions of germs and bacteria, that attack human body every day. It also leads to physical inabilities like inability to hold an object strongly, inability to maintain grip, shaky walk, loss of concentration, and more.

What You Can Do?

The nursing homes cannot hide malnutrition from you. Compare the condition of your loved one at the time of admission and now. If there is difference then check the nutritional services of the nursing home. Nutritional nursing home neglect can be sued under certain conditions. The first step you need to do in this regard is to shift your loved to a better and reliable nursing home.

Psychological issues like unexpected expressions and responses, unhealthy desires, and sudden development of phobias also symbolize nursing home neglect. Furthermore, unexplainable injuries reveal physical abuse on your loved ones. Hire an attorney to seek your legal options in this regard.

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Is your Loved One a Victim of Nursing Home Neglect?

When you visit your loved one in his or her nursing home, be observant. Take in all the sights, sounds, and smells of the facility and have multiple conversations with your loved one about the care he or she receives. Making yourself a regular, observant presence in your loved one’s life is the best way to protect him or her from suffering a worsened physical or psychological condition due to abuse or neglect. If anything seems “off” about your loved one or his or her nursing home, he or she could be suffering from abuse or neglect.

Being neglected can have a long-term impact on a nursing home resident, such as his or her physical deterioration or worsened mental health. In many cases, neglect occurs in nursing homes because staff members are stretched too thin by their many residents and their duties with each. Below are some signs that your loved one is being neglected by his or her caretakers. Keep an eye out for these signs when you visit and if you are concerned about something you observe, discuss it with your loved one’s caretakers.

His or Her Room is Dirty

Nursing homes have custodial staff tasked with cleaning residents’ rooms. If your loved one’s room is dirty, the staff is not doing their job correctly and your loved one’s health could be at risk. Check the room for dirty sheets, dust accumulation, overflowing trash cans, and any other signs that the room is not being kept up properly.

He or She is Withdrawn or Anxious

If your loved one displays a sudden change in demeanor, he or she could be a victim of neglect. If your loved one is suddenly withdrawn, anxious, irritable, or otherwise behaving out of character, ask his or her caretaker about the amount of social interaction he or she receives. Neglect can have a significant psychological toll on its victim, especially in victims who are suffering from dementia.

Your Loved One’s Health has Deteriorated

If your loved one’s medical condition suddenly becomes worse, he or she could be suffering from neglect. Forms of physical neglect include:

  • Failing to provide the resident with nutritious food;
  • Failing to provide the resident with adequate water;
  • Failing to provide the resident with the medication he or she needs; and
  • Failing to attend to any injuries the resident suffers in a timely manner.

If your loved one suddenly loses a significant amount of weight, this can be a tell-tale sign of neglect.

The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C.

Work with a Waukegan Nursing Home Neglect Lawyer

If you observe any of the behaviors or characteristics listed above during a visit with your loved one in his or her nursing home, he or she could be a victim of neglect. Keep a record of all that you observe that supports your suspicion and bring this record to an experienced nursing home neglect lawyer to discuss your loved one’s condition and whether you have grounds for a neglect claim. Do not wait to take action if your loved one is suffering. Contact The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C. today to schedule your initial consultation with our firm.