What To Do If You Suspect Nursing Home Abuse

nursing home abuse

Nursing Home Abuse And Neglect

Many older Americans spend at least some of their retirement years in nursing homes or assisted living facilities. Unfortunately, seniors can sometimes be the victims of nursing home abuse and neglect. As we age, we may not be able to stand up for ourselves or communicate as well as we used to, and abuse could occur without the family knowing. That is why it is so important, as a relative, to watch closely for potential signs of abuse when visiting your loved one.

Below, learn about the steps to take if you believe your loved one is suffering nursing home abuse. Then our nursing home abuse lawyers in Illinois at The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens can answer your questions and potentially represent you in filing a claim or lawsuit.

Evaluate The Situation

Before you report the possible nursing home abuse, think about why you want to do so. Some of the questions you should ask yourself before moving forward are:

  • Did you see your loved one abused or neglected in a nursing home?
  • Have you noticed signs of neglect and abuse, including unusual cuts and bruises?
  • Did your loved one complain to you about how they are being treated?
  • Do you know which resident or staff member abused your loved one?
  • When did the alleged abuse occur?

The more you understand why you think there has been abuse, the better you can discuss the matter with the appropriate people and agencies.

File A Complaint With the Illinois LTC Ombudsman

After you fully understand why you think there has been nursing home abuse or neglect, the next step is to file a complaint with the state’s Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program. The Illinois Department on Aging administers the program, and you can find your local ombudsperson by visiting the Department’s website.

File A Complaint With the Illinois Department Of Public Health (IDPH)

Next, you should file a complaint with IDPH. Before you file the complaint, obtain a copy of the complaint form on their website. You can send the form by mail or fax. Some of the questions that you will need to answer on the IDPH complaint form are:

  • What is the name of the nursing home resident who was abused or neglected?
  • What happened in the alleged nursing home abuse or neglect incident?
  • When did the alleged abuse happen?
  • Where is the nursing home or assisted living facility located?
  • How was your loved one harmed or possibly harmed?

Understand that the IDPH is legally required to look into your complaint, and the investigation must be finished within seven days of the submission. Any other investigation has to be completed within one month.

Speak To Our Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers In Illinois Now

Following the steps in this article is a good start to dealing with a potential nursing home abuse incident. However, you should also contact an attorney to ensure your loved one’s rights are respected. Our nursing home abuse lawyers in Illinois are determined to stand up for the rights of seniors in the state who suffer nursing home abuse. Contact the The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens today at (847) 395-2200 for a consultation.