What to do if You Suffer A Personal Injury While on Vacation

Personal Injury Attorney

Vacation is a time for relaxation, soul searching, escaping your routine life and going on an adventure. However, misfortune can happen anywhere, at any time. If you or your loved one suffers an injury on vacation, it can turn into a problem. Depending on the type of the accident, some of these injuries can be serious or minor. When you are injured in another state, you have to think about your next step wisely.

A skilled personal injury lawyer can help you sort out your options and help you file a personal injury case against the alleged people responsible. To protect your interests and rights, here’s what you need to do if you are injured while on vacation.

Notify your Attorney About the Accident

If you or your loved one suffers an injury during your vacation, the first thing you should do is talk to your family members, then contact your attorney and discuss your unfortunate incident in detail. Mention the location where the accident occurred, whether it was a hotel, a restaurant, a theme park, the beach, road or a busy shopping district. Also, contact the local authorities to inform them about your injuries and tell them how and where it happened.

Document the Entire Scene

Most everyone has a cell phone, which can come in handy if you are injured while on vacation. Record the incident and your injuries on your smartphone or your camera. The footage and the photo evidence can help an experienced attorney to come up with a strong personal injury case.

Visit the Emergency Room

After you’ve suffered an injury while on vacation, it’s essential to visit the emergency room and get yourself checked by the doctor. The report and detailed medical analysis will help determine the impact of your injuries and their long-term effects. An experienced attorney will help you establish a strong personal injury case when you suffer from severe injuries.

Collect as Much Information as You Can

In any type of personal injury, it’s essential to collect as many facts as possible about the events that led to the accident. Determine the time of the accident, the people involved, vehicles involved, along with their direction and speed of the. Discuss the facts with a skilled personal injury lawyer today.

Personal Injury Attorney

If you wish to find out more about this topic or schedule a free consultation, contact the offices of Robert Edens at (847) 395-2200 to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer.

Spinal Cord Injuries – How to Pursue A Legal Claim

Spinal Cord InjuryA spinal cord injury refers to the damage to the bundle of nerves housed within the ‘backbone’ – spinal column, to be precise – that conveys messages between the brain and body. Consequently, it may result in partial or complete loss of motor control and sensation, which may render the victim paralyzed. Moreover, as the spinal cord is also responsible for a broad range of bodily functions including body temperature, bladder, and even breathing, an injury may result in severe health consequences.

What Causes Spinal Cord Injuries?

A spinal cord injury is caused mainly due to a traumatic injury or heavy blow to the spine of the victim. Per stats available on Spinalcord.com, the most predominant cause of a spinal cord injury is auto accidents, contributing roughly 47 percent of all cases, succeeded by slip and fall accidents, which account for around 21 percent of all cases. Other causes may include acts of violence and recreational sports activities. An individual may also suffer from a spinal cord injury due to the negligence of a medical practitioner during a risky surgical procedure.

How to Pursue a Spinal Cord Injury Claim?

Spinal cord injury claims can be classified into two categories. Firstly, there are cases where spinal cord injury is caused by the negligence of an individual or an entity; for example, an individual became a victim of a car accident or slip and fall accident on a wet floor. In such instances, the victim may seek a personal injury lawsuit against the defendant, however, the plaintiff must establish four points of negligence and demonstrate that the defendant is legally responsible or “at fault” to obtain compensation for their pain and sufferings.

Secondly, there are cases where spinal cord injury is caused by damaged or faulty products; for example, malfunctioning breaks, seatbelts, or airbags of the car, or perhaps defective design. In such instances, the victim must prove four elements of product liability and demonstrate that they used the faulty product (as it was intended) and those defects led to the injury. If the claim is successful, the victim may obtain rightful compensation from the company or business that designed, manufactured, and/or sold the defective product.

How Can A Lawyer Help?

If you have sustained a spinal cord injury and are seeking justice and fair financial compensation for your pain and sufferings, consider hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer to initiate a legal action against the negligent party.

A competent personal injury lawyer will attempt to obtain maximum compensation for your injuries during the settlement arrangement. This can be extremely beneficial for you as you do not have to go through the trial process and rather can focus on your recovery process.

Furthermore, if the case goes to trial, your personal injury lawyer will devise a solid case in your favor by demonstrating negligence of the defendant by establishing facts and elements pertaining to the case, ensuring that your legal rights remain protected and you are able to obtain rightful compensation for your pain and anguish.

Personal Injury Attorney

If you wish to find out more about this topic or schedule a free consultation, contact the offices of Robert Edens at (847) 395-2200 to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer.

Winter Sport Injuries

Personal Injury AttorneyThe United States hosts some of the finest winter sports destinations around the world. As a matter of fact, there are 425 snow sports areas and resorts all across the USA, as per visittheusa.com, the official travel site of the USA. From skiing, hockey, sledding, to snowboarding, people in the US indulge in various winter activities. However, most of the winter sports come with inherent risks attached to them, and thousands of people sustain injuries while participating in these activities.

If you become a victim of an injury due to the negligence of someone else, you can file a lawsuit against them. However, winter sports injury cases are not dealt like conventional personal injury claims, thus it can be a wise choice to consult an experienced personal injury lawyer before initiating a legal action.

Voluntary Assumption of Risk

The doctrine of voluntary assumption of risk states that an individual who opts to participate in winter sports activities provides consent to the inherent risks that are associated. For instance, if you sustain an injury while skiing and file a claim against the negligent party; an individual, or perhaps the resort, they may use the voluntary assumption of risk as a defense to limit or disregard their liability.

Can I Pursue A Claim After A Sports Injury?

There are some cases where you may be entitled to obtain compensation, despite the voluntary assumption of risks, provided that the hazard that caused you an injury was caused due to the negligence or deliberate act of another individual, kept concealed before the participation, or outside the scope of the inherent risks associated with that particular activity.

For instance, if you are skiing on the expert-level slope and another individual emerges from a blind spot, perhaps from behind a tree, at a high speed, then this is a clear violation of trail rules, hence you might be able to pursue damages if you sustain an injury. This means that the law still gives you a right to obtain compensation for legitimate winter sports injury caused due to the negligence or recklessness, whose scope falls outside the injuries that are typically expected in a particular winter sports activity.

If you or your loved one has sustained a winter sports injury which could have been avoided, you should procure legal services from a reputable personal injury lawyer. A competent attorney will ensure that your legal rights remain protected.

Using their vast experience and proficiency in legal matters, a skillful personal injury lawyer will be able to navigate the intricacies of the law pertaining to sports injuries, which will allow you to obtain rightful compensation for your loss and sufferings.

Personal Injury Attorney

If you wish to find out more about this topic or schedule a free consultation, contact the offices of Robert Edens at (847) 395-2200 to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer.

School Playground Injuries Due to Extreme Weather

Playground Injury AttorneySchool playgrounds provide an excellent opportunity for kids to enjoy themselves, especially during the winter season. Children indulge in several activities, for instance, making snow angels, playing tag, and throwing snowballs at each other. Moreover, they may also enjoy swings, slides and other outdoor playing equipment at their disposal. However, schools should take special precaution during extreme weather before permitting children to play outdoors in order to ensure their safety.

As per statistics provided by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, emergency departments treat more than 200,000 kids ranging from 14-year-olds and younger for playground-related injuries in the United States. Furthermore, these injuries cause severe medical problems which may not always be treatable. Around 45% of conditions pertaining to playground-related injuries cause severe fractures, concussions, internal injuries, and dislocations. In some unfortunate incidents, children may suffer permanent injury to their spine or brain.

Why School Playground Injuries Happen in Extreme Weather

There are several reasons which may result in playground injuries due to extreme weather in winters. For instance, equipment can be extremely wet and slippery due to ice, sleet, or freezing rain, making it extremely difficult for children to hold their grip or maintain their balance. Ground covers may also pose threat to children especially if temperature gets very low or below freezing. In addition to that, snow can prove to be deadly and dangerous for children in some cases. For example, if a kid gets piled under snow and it gets too heavy for him or her to make an escape, it may suffocate the child and cause death.

Safety Precautions to Prevent Playground Injuries

  • Assess weather conditions before permitting children to go to school playground
  • Ensure proper maintenance and check playground swings, equipment, and area
  • Make sure that children are wearing proper clothing before they go to the school playground
  • Never leave children unsupervised or unattended on the playground
  • Devise a formal plan for providing first aid in case children become injured

If your child has suffered a playground injury due to negligence of the school, you are entitled to sue them for damages. It can be highly beneficial for your case to hire an experienced personal injury lawyer to obtain rightful compensation for their injuries. Your attorney will ensure that your right remains protected throughout that litigation process.

A skillful personal injury lawyer will find evidence and devise a strong case against the liable party and seek maximum amount of compensation for your child’s sufferings. This amount may include payment for present and future medical expenses, pain and emotional distress, and rehabilitation, amongst other expenses. Moreover, your personal injury lawyer may help you to recoup any losses that are directly caused by the playground injury.

Personal Injury Attorney

If you wish to find out more about this topic or schedule a free consultation, contact the offices of Robert Edens at (847) 395-2200 to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer.

How to Avoid an Injury on Black Friday

Personal Injury AttorneyBlack Friday is amongst the busiest shopping days in the United States. It is a commercial holiday that is celebrated the day after Thanksgiving Day and the Friday right before Cyber Monday. Though it provides an excellent opportunity to grab excellent deals and get great discounts, it also accompanies risks of becoming injured.

Stats provided by blackfridaydeathcount.com state that 111 people have sustained non-fatal injuries while 10 individuals have actually lost their lives during Black Friday shopping. Therefore, it is imperative that you remain alert and protect yourself while shopping to prevent personal injuries. Here are a few tips that you must keep in mind.

Tips to Avoid Injury on Black Friday

  • Due to an excessive amount of people, roads are usually congested and sidewalks are packed. Thus, you must exercise great caution while crossing roads, walking on sidewalks, and while driving.
  • Try to park your vehicle in a well-lit and safe space, even if it is a bit far away. Parking in an area which is dark or potentially dangerous which can make you prone to a slip and fall incident, perhaps theft as well.
  • Never stand near a door where large number of people are queuing up as they may try to rush in when the store’s door opens. Relatively minor shoving and pushing may cause you to fall and get a serious injury.
  • People can get extremely aggressive during Black Friday if they miss out the chance to grab a deal. There are many instances where people got injured and fatally shot fighting over products or for cutting in line. It is always wise to refrain from such occurrences and seek management’s help if you feel things are escalating into violence.
  • Some places may have dangerous areas or equipment lying around, which may potentially cause you to trip, slip, or fall. Thus, always remain aware of your surroundings.
  • If you have kids, do not let them run around the aisles and checkout counter as they may hurt themselves by colliding with a shelf or people who are hurdling around in frenzy. Make sure they remain with you and always keep an eye on them.

If you believe that you have sustained an injury due to negligence of someone else, be it the store management or another customer, you can file a claim against them by acquiring legal services of an experienced personal injury lawyer. Your attorney will establish liability against defendants by devising a strong case, allowing you to seek maximum compensation for pain and sufferings.

A skillful personal injury lawyer will also find additional facts and evidence related to your case to increase the likelihood of a successful claim. Using their vast experience and negotiation skills, your personal injury lawyer will help you to obtain rightful compensation via settlement. Even if your case goes to trial, they will ensure that your rights remain protected throughout the litigation process.

Personal Injury Attorney

If you wish to find out more about this topic or schedule a free consultation, contact the offices of Robert Edens at (847) 395-2200 to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer.

Halloween Safety Tips from a Personal Injury Attorney’s Viewpoint

Personal Injury AttorneyHalloween is the second most famous festival in the United States after Christmas with more than 179 million people celebrating All Saints’ Eve last year. Adults take part in activities by wearing different costumes, partying during the night, and preparing Halloween themes for celebrating this festival with their family and friends. This festival is delightful and fun especially for children as they scavenge in neighborhoods to fill their bags with candies. However, children’s safety should be of utmost importance for parents as they roam from one house to another to gather treats.

Halloween Safety Tips

There are certain safety practices that parents must adopt in order to keep their children safe during Halloween. Most important ones are listed below:

  • Kids’ costumes should be highly visible so they can be spotted easily during night time by motorists. If their clothes are not bright, a glow stick or reflective tape can be used to improve their visibility.

  • Their clothes should be comfortable and must not restrict their ability to walk and move freely. In addition to that, their masks should not cause visibility problems. These measures will save them from potential slip and fall accidents.

  • Kids should be taught to only approach homes that have a Halloween light on and never attempt to go inside the house even if they are invited by anyone. During trick-or-treating, they must only travel on acquainted and well-lighted areas and avoid dark and unfamiliar places.

  • Kids should be educated about the risks of trick-or-treating before they go out. Also, they should be asked to inform you beforehand about the neighborhood they are going to and when they will return. At least one of them should have a mobile phone to keep you posted.

  • Kids should be trained to stay on sidewalks and they must not roam around parked cars and jaywalk across the street without paying attention to their surroundings. In case there is no sidewalk, they must walk along the road facing traffic so they can keep an eye on motorists. Also, they must exercise precautions by staying at the curb and looking both ways when crossing a road.

Moreover, parents must ensure that their children are accompanied by at least 1 adult or a mature person during their trick or treat journey. However, if you take all safety measures yet your child suffers from a slip and fall accident due to someone else’s negligence or becomes a victim of a pedestrian accident, then you should file a personal injury case with a reputable attorney.

It can be highly beneficial to seek legal counsel from an experienced personal injury lawyer for your case. Your attorney will construct a strong case and establish liability, which will allow you to seek maximum compensation for damages. A skillful lawyer will also find additional facts and evidence pertaining to your case to increase the likelihood of a successful claim.

Personal Injury Attorney

If you wish to find out more about this topic or schedule a free consultation, contact the offices of Robert Edens at (847) 395-2200 to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer.

What to Do if Injured in a Carnival Accident

Personal Injury AttorneyCarnivals are exciting places to spend a weekend with your family and friends but if an accident occurs, it could turn your enjoyable experience into a traumatic one. Most of the rides within such carnivals are mobile rides, which are set up only for a small period of time. This means that these rides might not get the adequate amount of safety checks, unlike proper amusement park rides, which are developed and operated under strict scrutiny. Therefore, whenever you step on a carnival ride, you are exposed to the risk of being injured. Many people who are injured due to carnival accidents do not sue the people responsible due to lack of awareness regarding their legal rights.

What should you do if you are involved in a carnival accident?

As mentioned earlier, carnivals tend to be more prone to accidents due to negligence of the organizers. Despite certain measures taken by the authorities, the number of carnival accidents continue to soar. If you or your family members are involved in an unfortunate accident at a carnival accident, the first thing you need to do is seek immediate medical treatment. As soon as you are done with that, you should contact an experienced and reputable personal injury lawyer to obtain reasonable compensation for your pain and suffering.

However, in order to do so, you must have a solid claim against the carnival’s management and be able to prove that it was their negligence which resulted in your injury. Therefore, you must gather sufficient evidence to support your claim and present it rationally and reasonably in the court. If you want to strengthen your chances to win the case, it is imperative that you hire a professional personal injury lawyer to represent you, especially if your injuries are severe.

How can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help You?

Empowered by their vast experience and knowledge regarding such accidents, a personal injury lawyer can help you get compensated for all your damages and pain in an expedited timeframe. From collecting evidence to sending out legal notices to the people responsible, a lawyer can help you build your case substantially.

If you were a victim of a carnival accident and wish to schedule a free consultation, contact the offices of Robert Edens at (847) 395-2200 to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer.

Injured in an Airport Accident? Here’s What to do

Airport Injury AttorneyAs the number of passengers who travel through air increases every day, the number of airport accidents increases despite strict precautions taken by Federal Aviation Administration. Although air travel itself has become safer over time, airports have increasingly become places where passengers sustain serious injuries due to negligence and dangerous infrastructure. The most common types of airport accidents include falling on slippery floors, escalators or boarding ramps. In most cases, people involved in an airport accident have no idea what to do and fail to seek compensation for the injuries they sustain.

What should you do if you were involved in an airport accident?

A vast majority of people assume that there is no remedy available to them for the injuries they have sustained in an accident that took place at an airport. It’s mostly due to lack of awareness or the assumption that since the accident occurred in an airport outside their state or country, they do not have a case in the United States. Any personal injury lawyer familiar with aviation law would tell you that you can seek remedy for injuries sustained in any airport around the world. Although the process might be a tad complicated due to the involvement of multiple state governments and agencies, an attorney experienced in dealing with airport accidents will be able to assist you in filing a claim.

How can a personal injury lawyer help you with an airport accident claim?

At its core, the term personal injury refers to any bodily harm incurred by the claimant. If you have sustained an injury which has caused you physical or mental pain, a personal injury lawyer is a person you should consult with as they are trained, and have the experience to deal with cases of this nature. Since airport accidents can occur anywhere, in different jurisdictions thousands of miles away from your home state, the gathering of evidence to substantiate your claim would require a great deal of effort and knowledge of different state laws. An attorney with vast experience dealing with such cases would be better equipped to help you deal with an injury or harm you sustained.

Personal Injury Attorney

For more information or to schedule a free consultation, contact The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C. today at 847-395-2200 to speak with an experienced attorney on this topic.

When to Fire your Personal Injury Attorney and Look for a New One

Just like you have the right to hire an attorney for legal representation in any type of personal injury case, you also have the right to fire them if it’s not working out. If you are unhappy with the legal services of your current personal injury attorney, you may consider getting a second legal opinion, and end your client-attorney relationship. However, before you think about switching to a new personal injury attorney, you need to ask yourself why this measure is necessary.

Several problems can arise between a client and an attorney, resulting from situations such as:

  • Attorney’s inadequate attention to your case
  • High, unreasonable fees and lawsuit costs
  • Unprofessional attitude
  • You question the attorney’s ability to handle your case
  • Disagreement with the attorney on crucial aspects of your case
  • Unfavorable court decisions
  • The attorney doesn’t properly communicate with you on potential matters

When one or more of the above problems occur, it may be a good time to consider changing your personal injury attorney.

How to Fire Your Personal Injury Attorney

When you decide to fire your personal injury attorney, you should do it in the following way,in order to avoid any potential conflicts.

The first thing you should look at is the legal services contract with your attorney. Carefully go through it, and see if there is any provision that dictates a certain procedure for terminating client-attorney relationship. If there is one, it is very important that you follow it to avoid any trouble in the future.

As soon as you decide to change your personal injury attorney, hire a new attorney prior to firing the current one. This is because if you fire your existing attorney first, you will have no choice but to handle any legal issues, which may arise during the transition period, on your own. These issues can potentially harm your case and make it difficult for the new personal injury attorney to handle.

The third step is to write a formal letter and send it to your current personal injury attorney via a certified mail. The letter should explain the reasons for terminating your client-attorney relationship. It should be straightforward and clearly indicate the termination. You may also request your attorney to hand over the case files to you or the new attorney, and include necessary contact information as well. If there is any balance that you are liable to pay or you paid in advance, you may mention them in this letter.

When you are notifying your attorney for substitution or suspension of legal counsel, you will have to inform the court as well if the status of your case is pending.


The Cost of Hiring a New Attorney

You may be thinking that changing attorneys will cost you more, but to relieve you of this worry, it won’t. After the settlement, you will have to pay only the fees of a single attorney, which will then be divided among the attorneys that represented you during the case.

If you are not happy with your current personal injury attorney and want to hire a new one, you should contact the Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C. at (847) 395-2200 or online today to schedule a consultation.

Your Role as the Personal Injury Claimant

When you are injured in an accident because of another party’s negligence, you might consider seeking compensation for your damages through a personal injury claim. This process can be complicated and confusing, so most people work with personal injury lawyers to file their claims and negotiate with the other parties involved, such as the insurance provider and their doctor. But although the lawyer handles the “heavy lifting” of a personal injury claim, like the negotiation process and determining which evidence to use and how, the claimant also needs to work to pursue his or her claim. If the claimant is not engaged in the process, he or she can potentially hurt the claim’s chance for reaching a fair settlement.

Your lawyer will guide you through the personal injury claim process, which has unique requirements for the claimant. These requirements include the following:

Do All that you Can to Help yourself Recover

As the claimant, you are required to mitigate your damages. This means that it is your duty to seek the medical care you need for your injury and do all that you reasonably can to ensure your successful recovery. This means that you should not wait to seek treatment after your accident – get yourself to the doctor as soon as you can and follow all of his or her instructions, which can include a medication or physical therapy regimen and limits to the activities you can do, such as lifting items above a certain weight and driving.

Provide Relevant Evidence

The evidence you provide to your attorney is what he or she uses to support your claim. Provide as much evidence of your injury and the other party’s negligence as you can, but also remember to provide quality evidence. For example, a photograph of the accident is better than a friend’s testimony, and a record that you received medical treatment is better than simply stating that you went to the doctor.

Follow your Attorney’s Lead

Your attorney has handled many personal injury cases in the past. He or she knows how to negotiate with insurance providers, doctors, and if necessary, the court. Do not speak with an insurance provider until you have first discussed your case with an attorney – usually, insurance providers ask claimants to make official statements about their claims, which they can use later to justify a lower settlement amount than the claimant might otherwise been able to recover.

The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C.

Work with an Experienced Vernon Hills Personal Injury Lawyer

When you have a personal injury claim pending, there is a lot you need to do as the claimant to ensure that you receive a fair settlement for your damages. But you are not the only one involved in the process. Work with an experienced Vernon Hills personal injury lawyer to ensure ensure that all of your paperwork is filed on time, that you have the necessary evidence to prove your claim, and that you do not inadvertently invalidate your claim by saying or doing the wrong thing. For further guidance with your claim, contact The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C. to set up your initial case evaluation with us.