What Recourse Do I Have If The Insurance Company Denies My Claim?

What Recourse Do I Have If The Insurance Company Denies My Claim?

If the insurance company denied your personal injury claim and you think they made a mistake or denied it unfairly, you can file an insurance dispute. Illinois insurance dispute lawyers will advise you to take immediate action to reverse the decision. First, take a look at the fine print of the insurance policy. It may contain information you missed, which caused the denial. You can find out why it was denied, but the good news is that a rejection is not set in stone.

What You Can Do To File an Insurance Dispute

If you think your personal injury case was misrepresented or insurance was unjustly denied, there are some steps you can take to get what you are eligible for. You can work with the insurance company to reach a decision you are happy with. Here are some things you can do:

Appeal the claim denial

If you believe the personal injury claim was denied by mistake, you can appeal the insurance company’s verdict via a process already in place. To appeal:

Gather evidence

Take a look at any of the documents provided by the insurance company and the evidence required as proof for the appeal. This includes eyewitness information, police reports, medical reports, pictures, and others. Make sure you give copies to the insurance company and keep the originals.

Write an appeal letter

Your appeal letter should detail why you disagree with the insurance company’s rejection. This includes explaining the significance of the information you provided, mentioning policy information, and the claims denial letter.

Hire Illinois insurance dispute lawyers

Consider hiring an attorney who specializes in insurance disputes. They can review the case and consider aspects that are not apparent to you. This includes ensuring the appeal application has all the supporting documents required for a successful result. They can also draft the appeal letter for you. A letter signed, sealed, and delivered by a law firm has more influence than a civilian’s. Most claim denials are valid and the result of mistakes made by applicants rather than insurance companies. But just because yours was denied doesn’t mean you have to pay out of pocket for medical costs, property damage, vehicle damages, and others. Once you file an appeal letter, the insurance company will first determine its validity. The decision may be reversed if you have professional and dedicated Illinois insurance dispute lawyers in your corner.

Contact The Law Offices Of Robert T. Edens For A Consultation Today!

Has your injury claim been denied unfairly, or is the insurance company refusing to pay even though you have a valid claim? They have the money – they place profits over the people they serve. Their CEOs earn millions of dollars each year from the cost of premiums you give them. If you think your claim was denied unfairly and want justice, contact the Illinois insurance dispute lawyers at The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens today. We have recovered millions of dollars in compensation for our clients and can also help you. Contact us for a detailed and confidential consultation today! We will assign a lawyer to your case who can ensure you have the documents you need to get compensation.

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