A work injury, or even an occupational disease, can disrupt your life, health, finances, and overall wellbeing for years. Workers’ compensation is an insurance system designed to compensate you for these losses if you are injured in a workplace accident. The benefits or payout you receive will depend on your existing condition and wages before you were injured.
Determining a settlement for a work-related injury can be a challenge without help from Antioch workers’ compensation lawyers. That’s because you need to consider several factors to determine the total amount. The compensation usually covers reasonable medical care that you need in order to recover from your injuries.
Your Antioch workers’ compensation lawyers will evaluate your case based on certain factors before they come up with a compensable payout:
As per Illinois law, you can receive compensation for the maximum number of weeks for different body parts injured at work. Here is a complete list you can go through. You can determine the total compensation you are owed by multiplying 60% of your average weekly salary by the total number of weeks for the injured body part. Here is an updated list of maximum and minimum weekly benefits for workers’ compensation in the state you should also look into.
Compensation for loss of ability post-injury is calculated differently. The loss percentage is multiplied by 500 to determine the number of weeks of compensation for the worker. These are then multiplied by 60% of the worker’s weekly average salary.
If a workplace injury forces the worker to accept another job that doesn’t pay as much as the old one, they are owed two-thirds of the wage difference between the two.
No matter how accurate an online workers’ compensation calculator may seem, they are far from accurate. Some insurance companies try to dupe their policyholders into using them to fool them into accepting a lower claim.
The issue is obvious – these calculators are biased in favor of insurance companies. Too many factors are involved in calculating compensation. An automated solution cannot determine an exact amount. You need to wait till you reach maximum medical improvement (MMI) before your Antioch workers’ compensation lawyers can determine a precise settlement value. They will discuss all aspects of your claim before they tell you about the payout you are entitled to.
The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens have represented workers whose compensations have been denied by insurance companies and employers for years. We have more than two decades of experience fighting for their rights and can also get you the compensation you deserve.
So if you or someone you know has been injured at work and their workers’ compensation has been wrongfully denied, get in touch with us for a consultation today. We will take a detailed look at your case before creating a strategy that can work for you. We have recovered millions for our clients and are confident that we can do the same for you if need be.