Each year in the U.S., 300 to 400 people die in auto accidents due to wrong-way driving. Many of these wrong way auto accidents are either high-speed sideswipe crashes or head-on collisions. Wrong-way driving (WWD) auto accidents happen when a vehicle driving is travelling in the opposite direction of traffic on either highways or ramps and collide with a vehicle that is legally and properly travelling the right-of-way. Because these crashes can lead to death and severe personal injuries with long term disabilities and brain damage, it is important for all drivers to be aware of the Federal Highway Administration laws and consequences that can be applied.
If you suffer from a personal injury due to wrong-way driving, be aware of your rights and seek consultation from expert personal injury attorneys to help you claim auto insurance and medical treatments you had. As a driver, stay vigilant and use the following tips to protect yourself from wrong way auto accidents.
Wrong-way auto accidents can be caused by driver negligence or from mistakes because signage does not indicate an entrance or exit ramp to the highway. Driver mistakes also are a factor and include driving under influence of drugs or alcohol, using mobile phones or texting, lack of visibility and distracted driving. It is also possible to engage in wrong way driving due to incomplete infrastructure or poor visibility of ramp signs. Cloverleaf ramp designs usually confused drivers who are entering and exiting highways.
The best way to reduce the risk of wrong way driving accidents is to anticipate what’s ahead by looking beyond the first line of cars. Other preventive measures include:
If you wish to find out more about auto accidents and unusual injuries in Illinois, schedule a free consultation, contact the offices of Robert Edens at (847) 395-2200 to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer.