Personal Injuries and Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Round Lake, Illinois

Personal Injuries and Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Round Lake, Illinois

An injury on the job can stymy your ability to provide for your family. Workers’ compensation can protect you while you recover, but only if you qualify for aid. Some of the most common injuries include overexerting your body, slips and falls, being struck by or against another object, heavy equipment accidents, and repetitive motion injuries.

Exertion Injuries

Sometimes the demands of work overtax our bodies. Shoulder injuries and lower back injuries are very common when we try to lift heavy objects. If you have overexerted your body on the job, you likely qualify for workers’ compensation.

Slips and Falls

Workplaces can have hazardous conditions that cause us to trip, slip, and fall. Uneven surfaces, ice and water, oily walkways, and stumbling blocks can all cause us to fall and sustain an injury. Most commonly these types of accidents injure our lower bodies, and can inhibit our ability to perform our jobs.

Heavy Equipment

Modern machinery is very advanced, but not always safe. Cranes and other heavy equipment are very powerful, but the potential energy stored in the objects they move can cause serious personal injury and even fatalities. No matter your injury, you need to seek legal counsel to ensure you are awarded workers’ compensation.

Comprehensive Support and Legal Protection

At the Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C., we protect our clients from a wide range of personal injuries including:

Call Us Today

If you live in Round Lake, Illinois, and have sustained an injury on the job, call the Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C. to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. We have helped countless victims in the Round Lake area recover financially from their injuries. Call us local at (847) 395-2200 or toll-free at (855) 760-6746. We do not charge for an initial consultation and can help you receive restitution for your injuries.

Call today for a free consultation

(847) 395-2200