Klumpke’s Palsy is a condition that causes weakness or paralysis of the shoulder and arm. When associated with birth complications, this condition is usually caused by an injury to the brachial plexus nerves. The brachial plexus nerve bunch is located in the infant’s should. If the infant’s shoulder is lodged in the mother’s hip bone during birth, injury can occur to the brachial plexus nerve bunch. The result can be Klumpke’s or Erb’s palsy. The brachial plexus nerves control the mobility and sensation in the shoulders and arms. When the nerves are damaged during delivery it can affect a child’s ability to move their arm or their ability to sense feeling in their arm.
Klempke’s or Erb’s palsy occurs when the child’s upper or lower brachial plexus nerves are damaged. In many cases, a child with Krempk’s or Erb’s palsy will have the ability to move its fingers and hand, but can’t properly move its arm. Fortunately, Erb’s or Krempk’s palsy will heal without further treatment in most cases. Unfortunately, some children will have to suffer from life-long disabilities in their arms. Klumpke’s palsy can also cause the child’s eyelid to droop on the side which is opposite to that of the affected hand.
Most brachial plexus injuries occur from difficulties during childbirth. Many of these are the result of shoulder dystocia or a breech presentation. Unfortunately, all too often the conditions are preventable if the doctors had taken care to assess the risk factors for the conditions or were properly prepared to take immediate action when complications arose during childbirth. These conditions are often caused by careless doctors who use improper child delivery practices.
A major cause of these injuries is the application of excessive force to an infant’s neck and shoulders during its delivery. The risk factors can be monitored and proper procedures are taken to prevent birth defects. Giving your doctor proper health and child-rearing history can lead to the establishment of a plan of action to deal with complications at birth and avoid injuries to your infant child.
Our Lake County birth injury law firm has successfully represented the rights of injured children for over 20 years. With our experience in the field, we understand the symptoms associated with Klempke’s or Erb’s palsy and can quickly consult with you and your loved ones. During your initial consultation, Bob will answer all your questions and inform you of all your options. Bob and his staff of litigators have obtained MILLIONS of dollars in compensation for their clients. A quick look at the CASE RESULTS blog will show you the successful cases Bob and his staff have obtained for clients over the years. A look at the client testimonials will demonstrate that our law firm provides superior personalized legal services above and beyond the rest.
If your child suffers from Erb’s Palsy or Klumpke’s Palsy as the result of a brachial plexus injury at birth, our law firm may be able to get you the compensation that your infant deserves. Please call and speak to Bob personally today. You can contact him by calling toll-free at 855-760-6746 or 847-395-2200. You may also contact Bob through our online form, or, if you would like, connect live with our live chat operators 24/7 and Bob will call you back right away.