How to Prevent Bicycle Accidents

How to Prevent Bicycle Accidents

Bicycling is a great way to lose weight and remain healthy. But you can get seriously injured in bicycle accidents if you don’t take precautions. As per Illinois law, you may not get the compensation you deserve if you are partially responsible for the incident. Palatine bicycle accident lawyers can advise you further.

Top 4 Ways to Prevent Serious Bicycle Accidents

Here are some ways you can avoid severe accidents on the road on a bike:

1. Conduct Safety Checks

Check your helmet straps, bike chain, and especially tires before heading out on your bike. Under-inflated or misshapen tires can make you flip over if you suddenly go at full speed and brake. Check the sidewall of the tire for the correct pressure. Plus, replace your helmet if it is damaged beyond repair or has frayed straps; the same goes for your bike chain. If you fail to check your brakes, an accident is imminent. Squeeze both bike levers a few times to ensure they work smoothly. If you feel vibrations, the brake pads are rubbing on the tire, not the wheel rim. Replace the brake pads if adjustments don’t fix this issue.

2. Avoid Busy Roads

If possible, avoid arterial roads that get high-speed traffic, especially in commercial areas. These multi-lanes have speed limits that can go up to 45 mph. You are also in danger of being struck if a car turns at high speed or pulls out from a commercial center on the way. Stick to slower lanes if possible and if not, follow all safety precautions.

3. Don’t Assume You Are Visible To Other Drivers

This is the number one cause of bicycle accidents for most people. Never assume that drivers can see you clearly on the road, whether riding in the middle or on the sidelines. So if you are riding and see the car in front of you pull to a side street, make sure the driver sees you so they can stop. Slow down if they don’t. A good rule of thumb is to watch the hubcap of the front wheel – you can see it moving even if you can’t see the car speeding up.

4. Drive Defensively

Remain focused and alert on the road at all times. It will allow you to anticipate what drivers will do beforehand. The faster you notice something is off, the faster your response time will be. Here are some tips that can help:

  • Obey all of the street signs and road markings on your route.
  • Never drive against the traffic flow.
  • Keep your eyes ahead to see hazards such as an open grate, train tracks, pebbles, cracked asphalt, etc.
  • Do not listen to music or text while on the road. Your eyes and mind should be on traffic.

Contact The Law Offices Of Robert T. Edens For A Consultation Today!

If you suffered severe injuries because of a bike accident that wasn’t your fault, you deserve fair compensation. But if your insurance company doesn’t share this sentiment, contacting our Antioch bicycle accident lawyers should be prioritized. Contact The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens to discuss your legal rights by dialing 847-395-2200. The insurance company has lawyers who will do everything possible to deny your claim. At this point, you need aggressive representation, so you don’t pay for your medical bills out of pocket. Get the money you deserve with our help.

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