How to Avoid the Most Common Winter Injuries

How to Avoid the Most Common Winter Injuries

Winter injuries can be quite severe. Falls and other accidents during this season can lead to broken bones and traumatic brain injuries and prove fatal. A slip can pull a muscle or twist an ankle even if you remain on your feet. In any case, you will be out for the count for a few days or months.

Top Winter Injuries and How to Avoid Them

Your employer’s job is to ensure you remain safe in your workplace, irrespective of the season. Grayslake personal injury lawyers will tell you the same and can advocate for you if your claim is denied. Prevention is better than cure in this case. Here are some of the top winter injuries you can avoid with some precautions:

Broken Bones and Sprains from Slip and Fall Accidents

Black ice is difficult to spot, and slipping on this sleek surface can leave you a crumpled, painful heap on the ground. The result is usually broken bones, back injuries, neck injuries, sprains, and severe concussions. The older you are, the more prone you are to these injuries, and your recovery time may also be prolonged.

How to avoid

The best way to avoid these injuries is to choose practical footwear. A good set of hiking boots will keep you on your feet on icy roads and pathways, provided you walk carefully. Sprinting is NOT recommended, and keep an eye out for potential hazards that can trip you or make you slip.

Hypothermia from Cold Exposure

Our core temperature drops rapidly if we remain in the cold for too long. If it drops below 95°F, hypothermia sets in and can prove fatal. Warning signs include:

  • Loss of focus.
  • Impaired thinking.
  • Shivering.
  • High pulse.
  • Heavy breathing.

How to avoid

If you have to work outside for hours, make sure you have plenty of layers on and do not get wet. Plus, head inside every half hour to get your temperature back to normal before heading out again. Also, don’t drink on the job. Alcohol can hasten the onset of hypothermia.

Frostbite Following Hypothermia

When the body is exposed to low temperatures for prolonged periods, it starts to freeze. Exposed extremities such as fingertips, ears, and nose tips are the most vulnerable to this cold injury. These turn black and may have to be amputated. The first signs include:

  • Clumsiness.
  • Numbness.
  • Cold skin.
  • Discolored or blackened skin.

How to avoid

Protect your extremities with warm socks, hats, gloves, and other equipment that can prevent frostbite. If you think you are getting frostbite, get treatment ASAP. This includes re-warming, wound care, and pain control. You can avoid these winter injuries if your employer ensures staff safety with relevant precautionary measures. If you think their negligence caused your workplace injury and they refuse to provide compensation, hire Grayslake personal injury lawyers right away.

Contact the Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C.

The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens P.C. has more than two decades of experience protecting the rights of personal injury victims through talented Grayslake personal injury lawyers. With offices across Illinois, we have the expertise and knowledge about local employment laws that can strengthen your claim. Contact us for a consultation today. We can develop a strategy to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. You shouldn’t suffer because of your employer’s negligence.

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