Many people think auto accidents occur on congested roads and busy highways. You will be surprised to know several auto accidents occur in parking lots. One of the main reasons for parking lot accidents is distraction. Fellow passengers’ behavior, cell phone use and any other electronic device usage are generally the leading causes behind distracted driving. Here are some tips to help you stay alert and avoid a parking lot accident.
The most effective method of avoiding a parking lot accident is to comprehend who has the right-of-way when driving in a parking lot. Most parking lots – especially indoors lots, have confined spaces, which allows minimal movement. With limited space to work with, it’s natural for a parking lot to get congested. To determine the right-of-way, consider the cars already moving through the thoroughfare as having the way of right, over the cars in the feeder lane. However, exiting the main thoroughfare automatically allocates the right-of-way to the vehicle coming across the feeder lane.
Some indoors and outdoors parking lots have spots that are not well lit. If the driver is not careful, these dimly lit areas within a parking lot can result in accidents. While parking or backing up, be watchful of people, pets and other vehicles. Staying alert and looking around before backing up is key to ensure you and others around you are safe. Children are particularly susceptible to backover auto accidents in parking lots. Drivers have to be cautious by looking out for young children around their vehicle before backing away.
If you are a victim of a parking lot accident, you will need a practiced auto accident attorney to make a claim for compensation for your injuries. In Illinois, the person who violates the right-of-way in a parking lot accident is held liable for the crash. However, if the plaintiff is held partially responsible, under comparative negligence, which resulted in the auto accident, the plaintiff will be required to compensate the defendant.
Keeping the aforementioned tips in mind will help keep parking lots safe and help reduce the number of auto accidents caused by unnecessary distractions.
If you wish to find out more about auto accidents and personal injuries, schedule a free consultation, contact the offices of Robert Edens at (847) 395-2200 to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer.