If you or someone you love was hurt in an Illinois workplace accident, you probably are entitled to workers’ compensation for your injuries. Workers’ comp provides part if your weekly wage or salary so you can pay your bills while recovering. Learn more below about Illinois workers’ comp, including how the workers’ compensation doctor is paid. If you have questions, our workers’ comp lawyers in Lake County at the Law Offices of Robert T. Edens can help.
The first thing to know about your workers’ comp doctor is your right to choose your medical provider. The law in Illinois states that you can select your doctor for medical treatments. This ensures you are treated by a medical professional looking out for your best interests, not your company.
Many injured clients need to realize they can select their own doctor. So, the employer’s doctor or that of the workers’ compensation insurance company sees them. The problem is that the employer or the insurance company pays the doctor. Therefore, the doctor may suggest the injuries are not as severe as they are to save the company money. Patients who are only seen by the company doctor may discover that they do not receive as much in benefits as they thought.
While you can choose your doctor, your employer may request that you undergo an independent medical examination or IME. The company doctor will conduct this exam. If your employer asks for an IME, refer the request to your workers’ comp lawyer in Lake County. They will ensure that the IME is performed in a timeframe that works for you. Also, the doctor’s IME report can be countered by that of your personal physician if questions arise about the severity and the cause of your injuries.
Whoever treats you for your injuries, they will be paid by your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance provider. Therefore, they should be paid promptly for your medical treatments. If there are payment delays, you must alert your workers’ comp attorney as soon as you find out. You do not want unnecessary delays in your medical treatments.
Not only are you allowed to choose your treating physician in a workers’ compensation case. You can switch doctors at any time. The doctor must be in your employer’s Preferred Provider Program (PPP). If the employer is not in a PPP, you can visit any doctor.
When you visit your doctor after the injury, inform them that your injury happened at work and will be handled by workers’ compensation insurance. To handle such claims, the state must approve Doctors in Illinois on a workers’ compensation case.
Were you injured on the job? You may struggle to pay your medical costs and other bills without a regular paycheck. You could be entitled to compensation in a workers’ compensation claim. Please contact our workers’ comp lawyers in Lake County at The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C. today at (847) 395-2200 for assistance. Our attorneys also serve clients in Palatine, Antioch, Chicago, Waukegan, Libertyville, and Woodstock.