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As the weather turns pleasant to herald spring, and we are starting to see an end to the pandemic, people want nothing more than to feel the wind in their faces. Many switch to motorcycles to get that feeling. While motorcycle accident rates have decreased slightly in Illinois, springtime sees its fair share of accidents.

Why Motorcycle Accidents Increase In Spring

Some of the factors that can increase bike accidents in the spring include the following:

  • An increase in drunk driving, especially around springtime holidays.
  • An increase in traffic due to spring vacations and road trips.
  • An increase in the number of new or inexperienced drivers on the road.
  • New road construction projects are often scheduled during this pleasant season.

Top Safety Recommendations for Motorcyclists

Irrespective of their experience and the weather they ride in, motorcyclists can save themselves from serious injuries by following these safety tips:

Always Wear a Helmet

A helmet has a double lining that protects your skull in case you take a tumble off your bike. Whether you are traveling a short or long distance, always wear one.

Increase Road Visibility

Drivers are notorious for missing motorcyclists when they are on the road. The danger increases during the spring since they are used to sharing roads with other cars rather than motorcyclists during the winter. So make sure they can see you a mile away by keeping a safe distance. Also, wear bright colors and make sure your headlights are on if you ride at night. Add reflective tape on your bike and jacket to be visible during the daytime.

Follow All Traffic Rules

Traffic rules and laws are there to save lives. So always use turn signals and do not change lanes on a whim. By being a careful driver, you can ensure other drivers are aware of the actions you take so they can maneuver accordingly.

Remain Within the Speed Limit

Speeding is one of the fastest ways you can get into a severe and life-threatening accident on your motorcycle. Ride within the speed limit to prevent this from happening. It will keep you and other drivers safe on the road.

Never Drive Drunk or Distracted

If you drive drunk or use your phone while trying to manage a motorbike on the road, you are highly likely to get into a severe motorcycle accident that may prove fatal. Turn off your phone and do not take anything before hitting the road. Ensure you have adequate insurance in place if you ride your motorcycle frequently. Many insurance companies reduce their coverage and premium charges during the winter so you can get a good package before spring.

Contact the Law Offices of Robert T. Edens For A Motorcycle Accident Claim

If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident and the other party’s insurance company or yours is refusing to pay up, contact our Waukegan motorcycle accident lawyers at the Law Offices of Robert T. Edens. We have more than two decades of combined experience aiding victims like yourself and ensuring they get the maximum compensation they deserve.

Call today for a free consultation

(847) 395-2200