Learning how to drive is a teenager’s greatest milestone. It makes them independent and as a parent, it shows you teen that you trust them on the road. However, even if you are excited to see your children grow up and reach this landmark, you cannot help but feel nervous.
As a parent, you have the authority to take away driving privileges if they are younger than 18 years of age. However, teaching them the following safety tips will be much more productive:
The legal drinking age in all states is 21 years old, however, some teenagers can and often do break that law. Drinking and driving is one of the main causes of auto accidents and results in fatalities more often than injuries. Make sure your teen understands the consequences of being intoxicated while driving. If they don’t, feel free to take away the keys.
Making sure all passengers in a vehicle wear their seatbelts not only reduces bodily injury, it will ensure your teenager does not incur expensive fines, which you may have to pay. Your teen’s driver’s license may also get suspended if they are discovered driving without a seatbelt.
Using a cell phone while driving is as dangerous as drunk driving. It can get your teen killed or result in death or seriously injury for other drivers and pedestrians. Illinois laws prevent the use of hand-held devices, texting, and the use of other electronic communication while driving. While hands-free devices are allowed for drivers who are 19 years old or older, ensuring your teen does not use one at all while driving can prevent serious accidents.
Most drivers exceed the speed limit. However, if your teenager is caught speeding by the police, you should immediately revoke their driving privileges. Teenage drivers are still in the learning phase. They may lose control of the car while driving at high speeds. As a parent, lead by example and never break the speed limit when they are with you – no matter how tempting it is.
If you or your teens have been involved in a car accident because of the negligence of another driver and the insurance company refuses to pay compensation, get in touch with us at the Law Offices of Robert T. Edens today. We have 20 years of experience representing victims like you in Chicago, Waukegan, Libertyville, Woodstock or Antioch, IL.