Workplace Injuries

When your body suffers an injury it can feel like your whole life is put on hold. All of your energy goes towards helping your body heal and get back to normal. Sometimes this takes a few days but other injuries can takes months or even years to recover from. Because we spend so much of our everyday lives at work, injuries can have a huge effect on our daily work routines. When we suffer an injury at work, it can be even harder to return the daily work life to normal. Often this is because our workplace injuries are a direct result of the work we do everyday; back sprains, knee injuries, or muscle spasms from repetitive movements are among the most common. In Illinois, the system in place to protect employees is known as Workers’ Compensation. Here are a few items to bear in mind if you seek to recover under the Workers’ Compensation Act:

What kind of benefits does workers’ compensation offer?

The answer to this question will often depend on the severity of your injuries. In general, all “reasonable and necessary” medical expenses will be covered completely. A percentage of your gross average weekly income (temporary total disability) will be paid to you over time. The specific percentage is set forth in the Act. When it is deemed appropriate by a physician, some mental and vocational rehabilitation benefits will also be paid.

What should I do when I am injured on the job?

The first step towards receiving benefits is to report your injury to your employer as soon as possible. Your employer will submit the appropriate form to The Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission and you will receive a copy. Do not sign a statement or a document from your employer or their insurance company until you have reviewed your case with an experienced attorney.

When will I receive the benefits of workers’ compensation?

If you have been awarded temporary total disability, your employers’ insurance company is required by law to begin paying you within fourteen days from the time you notified your employer that you were injured on the job.

Am I covered by the Workers’ Compensation Act?

The Act covers the majority of employees who are hired in Illinois or whose employment is centralized in the State of Illinois. Under Illinois law, coverage by the Act begins the moment an employee is hired. The Act provides that accidents that “arise out of and in the course of employment” are within the parameters of its protection. Basically, this applies broadly to injuries that are in whole or in part a result of the employees’ work.

The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, Lake & McHenry County Personal Injury

No employee should suffer through the hazards of an unsafe work environment. Every employee is entitled to protection while working in Illinois. If you have been injured as a result of your job, contact our firm today and let the experienced and knowledgeable team at the Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C. fight for the compensation that you are entitled to.


Workers’ Compensation in Illinois

Employees in Illinois are protected from the devastation of an on-site injury by workers’ compensation laws. Employees owe a duty to their employers to work and employers owe a duty to their employees to protect them from work-related injuries. Because it is impossible to prevent all on-the-job injuries, the system of workers’ compensation exists to ensure that these injuries do not ruin an employee’s future.

In Illinois, an employee who is hurt on the job can make a claim for workers’ compensation without having to prove his employer is at fault for the injury. In exchange for receiving compensation, the employee sacrifices his right to sue the employer.

If you have been injured on the job, an understanding of Illinois’ workers’ compensation laws will ensure that the system works in your favor.

Reporting Your Injury

In Illinois, workers must report an injury to their employer within 45 days of the incident. If you fail to report your injuries, you sacrifice your right to filing a claim at all. Even if you are unsure of the extent of your injuries, you must make a claim of some kind. It is acceptable to revise your report later if your injuries become more severe in the future. In the past, it has been demonstrated that employees do not always report their injuries out of fear that they may be fired or punished by their employers. Illinois law protects employees from this type of action. It is unlawful for an employer to punish an employee for making a workers’ compensation claim.

Understanding Compensation

Illinois law provides for four categories of recovery when an employee has been injured on the job. The categories of recovery an injured worker may seek depend on the extent of the injury, recovery, and treatment.

The first category is temporary total disability, which permits an injured worker to recover two-thirds of the worker’s weekly paycheck during recovery and time away from work.

The second category is for medical expenses and includes treatment, visits to the doctor, prescriptions, and future treatment.

The third is known as permanent partial disability, which allows for a specified percentage of recovery for each part of the worker’s body that has been injured.

Finally, the last category is for the surviving family of a worker who has suffered serious injury or death.

Each category provides different types of compensation for the worker or his survivors, and having an understanding of each will help you realize how much compensation you are owed.

The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C., IL workers' compensation lawyers

Seeking Legal Assistance

There is no requirement that any employee making a claim for compensation seek legal representation. However, if you have been the victim of a serious work-related injury, you should seek legal advice immediately. These cases can quickly become complicated and may require time to pursue your full compensation. At the Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C., we specialize in workers’ compensation and fully understand the Illinois system. We can help you understand the benefits of workers’ compensation and give you a free case evaluation.