How To Avoid A Traumatic Spinal Injury

Traumatic Spinal InjuryAs per the National Spinal Cord Injury Association, more than 450,000 people in the US are living with traumatic spinal injuries (TSIs).  This type of injury can lead to paralysis and other long-term physical and mental complications.

Top Symptoms of a Traumatic Spinal Injury

The symptoms of a traumatic spinal injury depend on its severity and location on the spinal cord. It can include complete or partial loss of motor control and sensory functions. Several TSIs can affect systems that control the bladder, bowels, heart, and blood pressure. Most people who sustain the injury also complain of chronic pain regularly.

How to Prevent Traumatic Spinal Injuries

The economic and emotional toll TSIs can take on an individual can be catastrophic, so prevention is better than cure in this case. Here are some of the ways you can avoid TSIs:

  • When driving, always wear a seatbelt and make sure your children are in appropriate car seats if they are small enough.
  • Don’t drive if you are under the influence of alcohol, medication, or drugs. Never ride with someone guilty of the same.
  • Pay attention to the road while driving and remove distractions. Never text or call/receive a call while driving.
  • Keep your home clutter-free to prevent slips and falls, especially if you are elderly or have elderly relatives. A fall is more devastating for them because their bones are brittle.
  • Obey all traffic signs while you are riding a bike or driving.
  • Always wear a helmet and other safety equipment if you are on a bike. Replace old or worn-out equipment with new ones.
  • Before skateboarding, make sure the ramps and area are clear or debris you can otherwise trip over.
  • Follow all of the rules of contact sports such as football and wrestling. They are made to prevent spinal injuries.
  • Use caution when you are riding a horse. Wear all safety equipment, and do not ride without an instructor if you are a novice. The instructor can correct your posture and riding skills to ensure you don’t get thrown off.
  • Extreme sports such as bungee jumping and skydiving can be dangerous for the inexperienced. Accidents can lead to lifelong spinal issues. If you take part in these sports, take all of the precautions necessary and never do them without an instructor present.

Contact Lake County Personal Injury Attorneys to File a Lawsuit for A TSI

Whether you injured your spine riding, biking, or skydiving because of someone else’s negligence, you shouldn’t have to pay your medical expenses out of pocket. Contact Lake County personal injury attorneys from the Law Offices of Robert T. Edens instead.

We have represented hundreds of accident victims suffering from traumatic spinal injuries who seek justice and fair financial compensation. If you also know someone going through the same predicament, give them our contact information. The worst thing you can do is wait. The faster you get your case filed, the better your chances of getting the amount you deserve. Our lawyers have years of experience representing clients who thought they never had a chance.

Types of Spinal Cord Injuries That Can Strengthen Your Personal Injury Case

Personal Injury AttorneyAccording to statistics, more than 17,700 people suffer from spinal cord injuries (SCIs) in the U.S. every year. Most individuals go through intense pain, suffering and emotional trauma as they try and get through life with limited mobility and a depleting bank account. If you suffer from a SCI due to someone else’s negligence, you should familiarize yourself with your particular condition to ensure you have a strong case.

What Is a Complete Spinal Cord Injury?

When you suffer from a complete spinal cord injury, your brain is unable to send signals from the spinal cord to the area below the injury. This can paralyze your legs, arms or upper body – if the SCI is near those areas.

Besides the permanent or partial loss of sensation, you may also have trouble controlling your bladder and bowels or have difficulty breathing normally. With time, you may not be able to determine whether you have a complete or incomplete SCI, since both conditions share several similar symptoms.

What Is an Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury?

If you suffer from an incomplete spinal cord injury, it means your spinal cord is not compromised completely due to the accident. This can result from an infection, gunshot wound or a minor slip and fall accident.

As mentioned before, the symptoms of an incomplete SCI are almost indistinguishable from a complete one. However, in case of the former, victims may retain some sensation in the area below the injury site which may come and go, or be weaker than what they used to have. Additionally, they may be able to move some muscles below the injury site and have partial or no control over others.

Irrespective of the type of spinal cord injury you sustain, the chronic pain and reduced mobility can prevent you from working or maintaining a comfortable lifestyle. In either case, you can hold the individual or entity that caused the SCI accountable by suing them for negligence. With an experienced and confident attorney by your side, you can get the compensation you deserve and ensure you have enough money to pay for your medical bills and family.

Contact Robert T. Edens For Your SCI Case Today!

Personal Injury Attorney

The law office of Robert T. Edens has been representing SCI victims in Chicago, Waukegan, Libertyville, Woodstock, and Antioch for decades and can help you get financial compensation from the negligent individuals who are responsible for your injuries. Get in touch with us today for a consultation.