Verdict: Not Guilty
Date: August 2010
County: Will
PLTF Medical: Dr. Juan Santiago-Palma (Pain Management) Dr. Alyce Jackson (Rehab/physical Medicine)
DEF Experts: Dr. Kenneth P. Sanders (Orthopedist)
Summary: Plaintiff Driver and Plaintiff Passenger state they were struck from behind by Defendant’s vehicle when they slowed to make a left turn. Plaintiff Driver claimed cervical strain, back pain, and a laceration to forehead resulting in a scar. Plaintiff Passenger claim cervical and lumber injuries including herniated discs at L5-S1 and C3-4. Defendant asserted that Plaintiffs pulled off the roadway onto the right shoulder and then pulled back onto the roadway directly in front of Defendant’s vehicle. Impact occurred on the driver’s side of Plaintiff’s vehicle.
Category: Car Accidents, Cervical Spine/Neck Injuries, Hand Injuries, Low Back Injuries