Patient Suffers Stroke 2 years After Surgery

Patient Suffers Stroke 2 years After Surgery

Verdict: Not Guilty

Date: November 2010

County: Cook

DEF Medical: Dr. Joseph Gigante (Family Practice)

PLTF Experts: Dr. Ira Friedlander (Cardiologist)

DEF Experts: Dr. Alan Kadish (Cardiologist)

Summary: Ms. Cerasulolo underwent mitral valve replacement surgery and had was taking Coumadin for five months following the surgery. Defendant cardiologist switched her to 1 aspirin a day. Ms. Cerasulolo suffered a minor stroke and was then prescribed Aggrenox. This was later replaced with Persantine and baby aspirin in an effort to save the patient money. 20 months later Ms. Cerasulolo suffered a major stroke with resulted in hemiplegia, aphasia, and tube feeding requiring constant care until her death 10 months later. The estate contended that the doctor should have kept her on Coumadin therapy to prevent the stroke. The defense argued that Ms. Cerasulolo had a history of vertigo, prior falls, gastrointestinal bleeding while on Coumadin and that Aggrenox and aspirin were a reasonable alternative to reduce the risk of cardio-embolic stroke.

Category: Medical Malpractice, Wrongful Death

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