Child Hit By Newly Licensed Driver

Child Hit By Newly Licensed Driver

Verdict: Not Guilty

Date: August 2010

County: Will

PLTF Medical: Dr. Ramasamy Kalimuthu (Plastic Surgeon)

DEF Medical: Dr. Denise Ibrahim, D.O. (Orthopedist)

Summary: Plaintiff was riding his bicycle to school when he entered a 4-way stop intersection and was struck by Defendant’s pickup truck. Plaintiff sustained a left inferior rami fracture of the pelvis, a 10 by 10 full thickness eschar to his left inner thigh, and a hematoma requiring a full thickness skin graft. Defendant, who had received her license 6 weeks prior to the accident, was also on her way to school. Defendant asserted that she stopped at the stop sign before proceeding into intersection but that the Plaintiff did not stop at his stop sign and she could not stop in time to avoid the collision. Defense argued that the Plaintiff was more than 50% at fault because he did not stop at the stop sign.

Category: Bicycle Accidents, Car Accidents, Fractures, Tears, and Dislocations

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