All employers in Illinois must carry workers’ compensation insurance whether they have half-time or full-time workers. They can get a policy from any insurance company or get permission if they want to self-insure. There are certain exceptions. If your employer refuses to carry it, you can and should sue with help from Lake County workers’ compensation lawyers.
The Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act (IWCA) defines an ’employer’ as the following:
As per the IWCA, an ’employee’ can be any of the following:
There are exceptions. As per the Act, any individual working as a real estate broker, salesman, or broker-salesman paid via commissions may not be eligible for workers’ compensation. Corporate officers, business partners, sole proprietors, and limited liability company members are exempt from workers’ compensation requirements. This also includes independent contractors. The only exceptions are enterprises involved in hazardous work such as construction and trucking.
If your employer is eligible to provide these benefits, you will qualify for the following:
All of your medical costs following a workplace accident will be covered.
You can go to the doctor your employer recommends or other preferred ones.
You are entitled to a week’s wage if you need that time to heal from injuries. It is two-thirds of your average weekly wage.
Also known as partial permanent disability benefits, these can compensate you if you lose the use of a body part. The body part will determine payment.
You get lifetime benefits if you cannot do any work or lose two of the same body parts to a workplace injury. It’s called permanent total disability benefits.
If you cannot work as you heal from injuries, you get temporary total disability benefits or lost wages that are two-thirds of your weekly salary.
You can get retraining for another job that you can do despite the disabilities resulting from a workplace accident. This is applicable if you cannot return to work because of those injuries.
Heirs or dependents of workers killed on the job are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits.
If your employer refuses to get workers’ compensation insurance and you get injured on the job, you can sue for damages and compensation. Contact The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens to discuss legal options today by dialing 847-395-2200. Our Lake County workers’ compensation lawyers have been fighting for victims’ rights for decades and have recovered millions in compensation. Get in touch with us before it is too late.