Auto Accident on Dilley’s Rd. in Gurnee, IL

There was an auto accident in Gurnee, IL, on November 2, 2016. The accident occurred on Dilley’s Rd., north of Stearns School Rd.


The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens is a Lake County personal injury law firm with offices located in Antioch. Contact us today for a free consultation.


The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C.


Auto Accident on Route 41 in Gurnee, IL

There was an auto accident on northbound Route 41 at Washington St. in Gurnee, IL, on October 1, 2016. It was a two-vehicle crash and a woman was killed an a man was critically injured. The woman was found dead in the vehicle when authorities arrived.

Auto Accident on Route 41

The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens is a Lake County personal injury law firm with offices located in Antioch. Contact us today for a free consultation.


The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C.


Auto Accident Near W. North Ave. and Burning Bush Ln. in Antioch, IL

There was an auto accident near W. North Ave. and Burning Bush Ln. in Antioch, IL, on October 24, 2016. Megan E. Rail, 26, was killed in a single-vehicle crash. She was found by police in a 2011 Chevrolet HHR that had major damage.

Car accident client serious hurt awarded $100,000

The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens is a Lake County personal injury law firm with offices located in Antioch. Contact us today for a free consultation.


The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C.


Personal Injury from Faulty Vehicle Parts

You must have heard about the famous Toyota gas pedal issue that took place in 2009-2011, in which the company had to recall more than 4 million vehicles for fixing the problem. It resulted in many car accidents and fatalities because the gas pedal got stuck and the drivers lost control over their vehicles. The lawsuits that were filed against Toyota cost them over $1.1 billion in settlements.

Another similar car-related product liability issue occurred with Takata airbags. The problem with their products was that their airbags were deploying explosively, severely injuring, and in some cases, even killing the passengers. Over 30 million vehicles, made by 10 different manufacturers, were recalled.

Just like the Toyota and Takata cases, there many other cases where the accidents happened because of the faulty vehicle components and manufacturers were sued. However, it sometimes becomes difficult for the injured party to make out whether the personal injury happened due to their own negligence or faulty vehicle parts. In such a case, seeking legal help of an experienced personal injury attorney is the best way to get the compensation you rightfully deserve.

Types of Vehicle Defects

When filing a personal injury lawsuit, it is important to know about the type of defect that caused the accident. Moreover, the origin of the fault will also influence who should be held responsible for your pain and suffering. Broadly speaking, the vehicle defects can be categorized as:

  • Manufacturing defect: A defect in the vehicle parts which occurred during their manufacturing or when the vehicle was assembled.
  • Design defect: This defect refers to the inaccuracy in the design plan of the vehicle’s part. Since there were flaws in the actual design, the part will be dangerous even when it is used as it was supposed to be used. Moreover, all vehicles equipped with that part will have the same issue.
  • Warning defect: It is also known as a marketing defect. It occurs when the defect is not apparent to the user, and the manufacturer didn’t take measures to warn potential users of its dangers.

Liability for Vehicle Defects

If the safety features or any other component of the car fails to perform as it should, or there is a design flaw that caused the accident, you can file a lawsuit against manufacturers and hold them responsible for paying damages. You can pursue a personal injury or wrong death claim, if you have lost a loved one, for all damages sustained, which would’ve not happened in the first place if the vehicle part had no defects.

However, there is also a chance that the manufacturer is not at fault. Depending on how and why the malfunction occurred, the dealership from where you bought the vehicle can be held liable. Moreover, in certain cases, mechanics involved in repairing the vehicle or manufacturers of specific parts can also be at fault.

The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C.

It can be a challenging task to determine liability in the event of a vehicle accident due to a faulty vehicle part. That is why is important to hire an experienced personal injury attorney to help you evaluate your case and get fair compensation. Contact the Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C. at (847) 395-2200 or online today to schedule your initial consultation with our firm.

Dealing with Auto Accidents

Road travel is never hassle free and there is always the threat of being involved in an auto accident when you are out on the road. An accident can happen not only due to someone else’s negligence, but simply due to a particular mix of circumstances that are beyond your control. This means that if you have been involved in an auto accident, you should hire an experienced auto accident attorney. Lawyers that deal with auto accidents can truly help represent your best interests and get the compensation you deserve.

Advantages of Hiring an Injury Attorney

There are several advantages that are gained by involving an experienced law office to represent you in a case of an auto accident. Here are some other advantages that can be gained by hiring an auto accident lawyer.

Getting Fair Compensation

You often have to face stiff opposition from insurance professionals who are dedicated to reducing the amount of compensation that you get after an accident. A legal representative ensures that you will be able to get the fair compensation that you deserve in order to cover your physical, emotional and monetary loss due to the accident regardless of the cause.

Getting Rid of the Blame

It is a common practice to put the blame on a single person just to make the processing of accidents easier for insurance firms. You may be accused of all the blame in an auto accident when you feel like that there are other factors involved as well. You will need an excellent lawyer in order to ensure that you are represented truly in the trial and are able to fight against the blame put on you by using scientific facts and legal arguments.

Dealing with the Insurance Adjustor

An insurance company that has to cover the expenses of an accident has a dedicated team whose function is to save as much of the possible costs as they can. They will go to any lengths to ensure that the costs are reduced. They will claim that you did not necessarily require the medical treatments that you received for the injuries.

The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C.

All of these problems only amount to one solution, a seasoned auto accident lawyer. You can always be sure to get the best representation at the Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C. for auto accident cases. We have a track record of winning fair compensation for our clients involved in auto accidents and we can do the same for you. You can contact our office at (847) 395-2200 in order to find the best legal help.

The Windy City: Driving Under Pressure

Anyone who has spent time in Lake County understands that wind is just another part of everyday life. It is something that cannot be avoided, but also should not be underestimated. Many drivers tend to do just that as it is sometimes very difficult to determine just how dangerous wind conditions are while sitting behind the wheel of their cars. It is at this point that the wind can be at its deadliest, as drivers across the country have discovered only after it is too late. Another mistake that drivers make with regard to such accidents happens after the crash, when they are trying to put the pieces of their lives back together. What drivers may not realize is that just because wind contributed to an accident in which they were injured does not mean they have no recourse when it comes to recovery.

Contributing causes

Whenever heavy wind gusts are likely on highways, drivers should use extreme caution, especially if the road takes them over bridges or points that do not have tree cover along the sides of the highway. These areas can create tunnels of moving air so fast that cars shake and trucks topple. The higher a car or truck is, and the narrower the wheelbase, the higher the chance is that an accident may occur. Further, drivers should be clear minded and alert, as well as making sure they keep a firm grasp on the wheel. Other techniques that drivers can use to be safer while driving in high winds include (as much as possible) trying to anticipate wind gusts as well as being extra careful when passing or being passed by a large vehicle. Failure to use caution can be considered a contributing factor in the event an accident occurs.

Contributing factors may translate into a finding of contributing negligence in a courtroom when a court or jury is deciding who was at fault for damages after an accident. Failure to use caution under the conditions at the time of the accident (such as wind) could lead to a seemingly unstoppable chain reaction that causes thousands of dollars in damage to person and property. For example, if a semi-truck driver allows his trailer to sway into another lane where a driver who is not paying attention is struck, it could lead to a pileup of vehicles that causes both vehicles to bring traffic to a standstill.

In Illinois, if an injured person brings a lawsuit to recover damages after an accident, any award that he or she is given may be reduced by the percentage of fault they share with the other drivers involved in the accident. This concept is known as contributory negligence and, in many cases, can be avoided by learning principles of careful driving and putting them into practice in everyday life.

The Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C.

Need Help?

Everyone knows that accidents and car crashes are not completely avoidable, or it is very likely that they would not occur so frequently. However, if you are involved in a car accident during dangerous weather conditions, you may not be without recourse. Call the Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C today and speak to an experienced attorney about your case. We can guide you through Illinois law and handle all aspects of your case to help you obtain maximum recovery for your injuries.